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Natural Stream Corridors

Chris McFarland, PE, CFM

Natural Stream Corridors is becoming more and more the preferred method of restoration methods to be used on streams and rivers which have been eroded due to manmade influences or major flooding events. Natural streams provide vegetation, habitat and water quality by allowing a river or stream to what the system would have historically done in the past. Planning efforts for stream corridors should use Fluvial Geomorphology to classify the stream using any of the numerous methods which have been developed to assist with this effort. This will assist the planner and designer to plan for future meandering of the river along with areas where you may see sediment deposition, transportation, or sediment loss. One such classification system has been developed by Dave Rosgen whom has prepared handy charts for classification of the rivers as shown in the link below. Chris McFarland, PE, CFM Project Engineer

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